Why your support and attendance of INSPIRE matters
Amazing what can happen in the year since our inaugural fundraising party last October. We finished 2018 having raised just over $100,000 in our first full year of operation and with that, you sent us a clear message: there is a clear need out there for the types of programs and services we offer and our organization offers the right vision to help meet those needs.
Last year’s INSPIRE netted us over $37,000 and was our single biggest fundraising source. Combined with other generous contributions throughout the year, it allowed us to do the following in 2019:
Be well on our way of investing $60,000 in grants to support continuing therapies for those who could benefit from it
With an annual investment of $3,500, set up a hugely-successful donated durable medical equipment facility that has so far distributed over $110,000 worth of equipment free to those in need.
Distributed over 200 of our signature Care Packages to better educate and arm those with new spinal cord injuries with relevant tools and resources
Conducted two mobile clinics in under-served communities where individuals with SCI benefited from expert advice of specialists in SCI
Continued our advocacy work from Los Gatos all the way to Washington, D.C.
Have kept taking our message out on the road and engaging with more facilities caring for those with SCI
Expanded the size and experience of our Board of Directors and Advisory Board
And on October 5th, we will unveil the next steps we’ll be taking to further expand and accelerate the offerings of our services.
Without your support, none of this would have been possible and so, we’re grateful and appreciative. We look forward to seeing you one week from tonight.
Nick & Franklin