January 24th, 2019
In the relaunch of the Ability Hacks Series, Krystina Jackson speaks about how she discreetly stores and organizes her urological supplies when she goes out.
NorCal SCI would like to invite anyone else to share their own "Ability Hacks" by contacting us at info@norcalsci.org.

December 1, 2017
In the fourth installment of Ability Hacks, Krystina Jackson shows how she uses the accessibility features on her iPhone to help her control the hard to reach controls. 

November 13, 2017
In the third installment of Ability Hacks, Krystina and Robyn show three more simple techniques on how to hug someone in a wheelchair. NorCal SCI would like to invite anyone else to share their own "Ability Hacks" by contacting us at info@norcalsci.org.

November 6, 2017
In the second installment of Ability Hacks, Krystina and Robyn show two simple techniques on how to hug someone in a wheelchair. NorCal SCI would like to invite anyone else to share their own "Ability Hacks" by contacting us at info@norcalsci.org.


October 5, 2017
NorCal SCI is excited to launch "Ability Hacks", a new feature showcasing user-submitted videos that showcase problem-solving tips and tricks that people with a disability have learned and perfected along the way that may not be widely known. We met Krystina Jackson and her sister Robyn a few weeks ago and were blown away by her "Warm Embrace" transfer technique. It is certainly not for everybody and it takes skill and athleticism from both the individual and the person assisting but boy, it is quick and effective. We have to credit Krystina for coming up with this idea and we also would like to invite anyone else to share their own "Ability Hacks" by contacting us at info@norcalsci.org.