Autonomic Dysreflexia and you

Most SCI survivors should be fairly familiar with AD since during your hospitalization, the staff literally brands those two letters on your forehead as it could be a potentially lethal condition if not treated quickly.

AD typical affects SCI survivors with injuries at the T-6 or above levels although in some rare instances, T-7 and T-8 levels have also experienced AD.


The best way to deal with an AD attack is obviously for the SCI individual to be fully informed on how to identify the symptoms and be able to independently go through the sequences of steps that must be taken or be able to instruct others.

However, in some instances, the person experiencing an AD attack may not be able to instruct others.  Enter the Christopher Reeve Foundation.  They have developed a free downloadable version of the AD Wallet Card that describes what AD is, provides step by step instructions for attending to an individual experiencing AD, and important contact information of your practitioner and emergency contact.

This card is available in English, Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic, Japanese, Hindi, Korean and Tagalog.  Make sure you provide a copy of this card to your caregiver, family member(s), or employer.  For example, PNP blogger, Franklin Elieh, has a copy of his AD card with the Human Resources manager at his company in case of an emergency or if he’s incapacitated sufficiently to not be able to direct instructions to others.

You may download your copy HERE or order a laminated version.


New Year's resolution: getting a job


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