Reeve Foundation offers peer mentoring program
Among the many challenges a new SCI survivor often faces is the lack of individuals they can speak with who have been in their shoes and experienced what life with a spinal cord injury is all about. This applies especially to those individuals who live away from population centers and do not have much access or exposure to support groups in their area.
Enter the Reeve Foundation's Peer & Family Support Group program. They offer free peer mentoring to people living with paralysis, their family members, and caregivers. Whether you are newly paralyzed, have been living with paralysis for years, or are a family member or caregiver, their peer mentors will provide answers and support, share what they have learned, and help you overcome challenges.
They work to match you with the right person by considering age, gender, cause of paralysis, level of injury, ethnicity, veteran status, interests, and where you live. The mentors have been fully vetted and trained by the Foundation and the program is completely free for users.
To learn more about this program, please check out their site.