Dan sustained an incomplete spinal cord injury at the C4-C6 level after a bike accident in December 2017 and attended Santa Clara Valley Medical Center for his SCI rehabilitation. Dan had just retired from a career in a variety of engineering and leadership roles with Space Systems Loral and BD Biosciences. In June 2019, Dan travelled to Florida where he went through 3 months of intensive therapy at the Brooks Rehabilitation Center which not only gave him the platform to further his recovery and functionality but also made him acutely aware of the lack of continued post hospital rehabilitation opportunities available in Northern California, particularly for individuals with limited financial resources.

"I met Nick and Franklin at my first peer support meeting at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center during my inpatient SCI Rehab. Little did I know that this first encounter would blossom into an important part of my recovery journey and relationship with them. ( or NorCal SCI.) The peer mentoring sessions, information, and programs they provided to me were extremely helpful. By early 2020 I was ready to give back to NorCal SCI and I started doing volunteer work which grew in scope and time that was very gratifying. It was important for me to support other individuals who had sustained an SCI, especially those who may not have access to the resources necessary to improve their recovery.”