In an effort to bring otherwise expensive equipment to wheelchair users in need as well as to recycle as much as possible, there are many sites, including ours, which offer medical and adaptive equipment free of charge. We have also listed van rentals and other paid services which may be of interest.

The Mobility Evaluation Program (MEP) is part of the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) and serves DOR clients. They determine the adaptive driving equipment, vehicle, vehicle modifications, and training a client needs to be a safe and independent driver.

Wheelers Accessible Van Rentals

Rio Mobility was founded in 2006 with the mission of developing unique products that increase the mobility and health options of wheelchair users.

Wheelchair Getaways - Nationwide rental of Accessible Vans

Rental of wheelchairs, scooters, walkers

Adaptive daily living aids and products

ReCares has three Bay Area sites, Oakland, San Francisco and Marin County, which collect and redistribute donations of clean, gently used medical equipment and unused home health care supplies each week. These are provided free of charge to those in need who visit their sites

The Sonoma County Section on aging offers a medical equipment recycling program in Sonoma County that provides a variety of medical supplies and equipment on a first come, first served basis. Check their website on Wednesdays when they show their inventory.

The Woody Foundation distributes Woody Packs at no cost to those in need and help those with limited hand function. It includes a collection of assistive deices for people with limited hand function to adjust to daily life.

Marin Medical Equipment Recyclers is a locally run volunteer non-profit based in San Rafael. They accept donations of clean, usable medical equipment and supplies and give them to individuals in their community who need them.

Chico Project S.A.V.E. (Salvage All Valuable Equipment) collects, then re-distributes, quality recycled medical equipment, free of charge, in an effort to help people receive needed care who otherwise might not. The organization was founded in 1996 by Dr. Phyllis Cullen and has been directed since 2004 by Chico resident Janice Walker. The staff are all volunteers.

Rotary of Belmont & Redwood shores - A medical equipment lending program available to those living in the Midpeninsula. Contact them to find out if they carry what you’re looking for. (650) 590-9112 or via e-mail at

Get a Cane’s mission is to provide mobility aids to the economically disadvantaged, while spreading the spirit of conservation and promoting generosity. They have a location in San Jose and one in San Diego.