NorCal SCI becomes Silicon Valley Chapter of United Spinal Association
We wanted to make it all but official by announcing that NorCal SCI has joined forces with United Spinal Association (USA) by launching the Silicon Valley Chapter serving San Mateo and Santa Clara counties.
There are about 50 chapters of USA spread across 32 states. Chapters are self-dependent organizations that share the goals of USA and support them within a specified geographical region. They support the spinal cord injury/disease community in many different ways – by promoting health and well being, promoting inclusion and independence, organizing local events and projects, advocating for rights and accessibility, and offering information and support to their chapter communities.
When we launched NorCal SCI, we were keenly aware of a need in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties for those with SCI/D. As we spoke to some of our friends that were already USA chapters, we became convinced that it aligned well with our overall goal here at NorCal SCI.
We will be attending our first annual Chapter Leadership Meeting in Las Vegas from Oct. 19-21 where we'll have an opportunity to network with the leaders of all the various chapters across the country and discuss a multitude of topics to enrich chapter operations and outreach.
We will begin offering free memberships to USA to all NorCal SCI users and registrants that entitles you to various benefits such as advocacy, advice and guidance, educational webinars, free subscription to New Mobility magazine and much more.
As we begin to formalize our organization, you'll be hearing more about this and other related activities that are in the works in the coming weeks. It goes without saying that we are excited to be a part of a fine and dedicated organization such as United Spinal.