Ability Hacks Oct. 25 event in San Jose to showcase disability community's creative solutions

Santa Clara Valley Medical Center’s SCI Connections will hold its first-ever “Ability Hacks” on Thurs., Oct. 25th, allowing you to learn creative solutions, tricks and ideas used by individuals with disabilities. Various individuals with SCI will be sharing their accessibility “hacks” to empower other individuals with SCI. Come learn about gadgets, do it yourself projects, hardware, medical/mobility equipment and many other creative “hacks”.  You will then have the opportunity to vote on the top “Ability Hack” presented.

If you are interested in being a panelist and share your “Ability Hacks” with the audience, contact Robert Medel at (408) 885-2397 or email: vmcpeersupport@scvmcrehab.org. Two Google Home Minis will be awarded to the top “Ability Hacks” presented.

The event will be held from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Valley Specialty Center, basement conference room, 751 S. Bascom Ave., San Jose. SCI Connections welcomes families and friends and, as always, dinner will be provided.


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Online sources for buying & selling equipment for the disability community