BORP launches Access Northern California's content rich web site with a sparkling look


The most comprehensive web site chronicling the many outdoor recreational and accessible activities available in Northern California could have always been found in Bonnie Lewkowicz’s pioneering web site, Access Northern California (ANC). Last year, Bonnie and Bay Area Outreach & Recreation Program (BORP) decided to join forces and have worked feverishly on combining their wealth of information and resources about accessible travel and outdoor adventures in Northern California. All that work has finally paid off and resulted in the official launch of the brand new web site at

ANC was founded in 1997 by Bonnie who is a former BORP staff person and ongoing supporter, collaborator and participant. Her vision was for all people with disabilities to have the freedom to participate in universally accessible travel and recreation. Now, this vision is aligned with BORP’s mission and dovetails with their Adventures and Outings program and will enrich the lives of BORP participants and make it easier for people with disabilities to explore outdoor destinations and take advantage of Northern California’s rich array of natural resources.


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