SEARCH FOR SCI CURE: A drug to cure spinal cord injury? Bring It On!
OK, so each week, we try to bring you news of the latest research involving spinal cord injury and normally it’s stem cell this, epidural that, or something in between. Imagine our surprise when we came across this headline: “We aim to develop a drug that will cure spinal cord injury”. One can’t help but fall out of their chair upon reading what may appear to be an exaggerated and preposterous claim.
Professor Rauvala and some of his researchers
A research group headed by University of Helsinki Professor, Heikki Rauvala, is aiming to develop a drug that can cure spinal cord injuries as late as in the chronic stage, enabling wheelchair users to stand on their own legs.
Professor Rauvala has long been studying the significance of intercellular material to the growth, development and regeneration of the nervous system. In the last five years, Rauvala and his research group have focused on applying their findings to the treatment of spinal cord injury.
You can read the full article HERE.