Movement to incorporate the disability community in Autonomous Vehicle technologies slowly inching forward


Very few technological advancements have been developed in recent decades that could have a pronounced impact on persons with disabilities (not just mobility but think visually impaired) as the Autonomous Vehicles that are currently in advanced developmental stages. Imagine no longer needing expensive modifications made to your vehicle so that you can safely drive. Well, there’s been lots of discussion and work taking place behind the scenes to address this issue and begin planning for it.

The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers organized a three-part Workshop Series this year, “Automated Vehicles (AVs) & Increased Accessibility”, to explore the accessible passenger vehicle transportation needs and potential technology solutions for people with disabilities and older adults. The Workshop Series also assessed technologies for providing increased vehicle accessibility to people with disabilities and elderly as well as broader impacts of assistive technologies, including the current legal and policy landscape.

In the 52-page report they published, numerous recommendations were made and the next steps may seek to create a “Best Practices” document that could be used by vehicle manufacturers to understand and incorporate the needs of people with disabilities and older adults in AV design. They still have a long ways to go before getting to the point of having something ready to address our population but at least the conversations are becoming louder and more frequent. You can read the entire report HERE.


Recovering from the dreaded shoulder surgery in SCI


Could untethering surgery arrest and restore loss of function years after an SCI?