SCI-FIT Fresno to hold Open House on Oct. 23


Though it’s been open for well over eight months, SCI-FIT will be hosting an official Open House at its Clovis (near Fresno) location on Wed., Oct. 23rd from 6-8 p.m. where attendees can tour the facility and watch equipment demos, view videos of clients, meet the team behind that location, including co-owner, Steve Nava, and mingle while enjoying food and drinks. And while there, you can also enter to win a free session.

SCI-FIT works mostly with clients with neurological injuries or disorders, including spinal cord injury, stroke, and MS just to name a few. It is located at 555 N. Halifax Ave., suite 101 in Clovis and has two other locations in Pleasanton and Sacramento.


DogFest Bay Area comes to Oakland Oct. 26


Recovering from the dreaded shoulder surgery in SCI