No Limits Collaborative seeks relay team participants for Aug. 18 Oakland Triathlon


For the past five years, No Limits Collaborative has brought together teams to compete in the relay portion of triathlons in the Bay Area by partnering with USAP Events. And with the Aug. 18th Oakland Triathlon coming up, they are once again seeking individuals with spinal cord injuries, neurological impairments, and those without injuries to participate in at least one of the legs of the triathlon (swim, cycle, run/push) on "mixed ability" teams which includes athletes with and without disabilities.  They will assist with logistics, rentals, transportation and have financial scholarships available for their teams as needed.

If you are interested in being a part of one of their triathlon relay teams for any or all of the legs of the triathlon, email Rachel at And you can learn more about the Oakland Triathlon Festival. 


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