Key to longevity of caregivers? It's not necessarily the money


For those dependent on caregivers, it is one of the most stressful aspects of life with a spinal cord injury, especially when one depends completely on their reliability and providing of the care needed. The turnover in the industry, as well as a dwindling pool of caregivers, is a national crisis not getting much attention or urgency. New Mobility magazine’s editor, Ian Ruder, talked with five caregivers who have been working with the same client for at least five years. From the caregivers’ perspective, he found, the key to longevity isn’t the money — it’s the relationships, which are often built on three key themes: respect, family and communication. 

Ian ended up speaking with four women and one man whose situations ran the gamut. They worked with one client from between six and 35 years. Three of them were paid by an agency or with Medicaid or state funds while two received private pay. All but one worked the equivalent of full-time; the other worked as a live-in. Read the full story HERE.


Robotic trunk support helps train those with SCI


SEARCH FOR SCI CURE: clinical trial now enrolling quadriplegics with aim of restoring function of arms and hands