SERIOUSLY? Those with long-term spinal cord injuries at a greater risk for spinal stenosis


And so you thought you knew and experienced everything involving a spinal cord injury, right? You’ve developed unique expertise in bowel, bladder, spasms, neuropathy, AD, sepsis, DVT? BREAKING NEWS: as we live longer, despite an SCI, you can now add spinal stenosis to the list of secondary complications as a result of SCI. Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of spaces within the spinal column and/or spinal canal and is caused by degenerative changes in discs and cartilage that naturally occur with age as well as use and overuse.

We don’t mean to depress you with this news, so we’re happy that New Mobility magazine’s, Bob Vogel, took the time to address this issue since he’s one of those long-t SCI survivors. The article is highly-informative and we highly recommend it. Read it here HERE.


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