NorCal SCI launches free twice-weekly Virtual Adaptive & Functional Fitness Training classes for Quadriplegics and Paraplegics
Steph Hammerman
We are thrilled to announce partnering with Steph Hammerman, the world's first CrossFit trainer with Cerebral Palsy to have achieved Level Two Certification in 2014, and a wheelchair user, to lead NorCal SCI’s new Virtual Adaptive & Functional Fitness Training classes starting on Wed., Nov. 4th. We are especially pleased that Steph will lead hour-long sessions on Wednesdays and Fridays for each of the Quadriplegic and Paraplegic classes separately in order to focus on the needs and abilities of each group though there is no restriction on which class anyone may wish to join. The classes are part of NorCal SCI’s “Virtual is the New Reality Series” made possible through a grant from The Reeve Foundation.
You can sign up for the Quadriplegics section that starts on Wed., Nov. 4th at 4 p.m. Pacific Time and runs for an hour HERE.
You can sign up for the Paraplegics section that starts on Wed., Nov. 4th at 5 p.m. Pacific Time and runs for an hour HERE.
Through her virtual training facility, Staying Driven, Steph works with hundreds of athletes of all abilities. She brings a lot of energy to her classes and is uniquely gifted with the ability to connect with each athlete attending her classes.
We wanted to keep the focus of each class on a specific population of the spinal cord injury community, hence the reason for separation of quadriplegics and paraplegics. Steph's goal is to keep you engaged and get you as functional as possible all while having a good time. She is very aware that each athlete comes with different abilities, skill level and experience and has tailored her classes to better fit the potential abilities of the participants. Higher level quadriplegics are encouraged to bring their care provider with them to assist with the movements Steph will train you on.