COVID-19 and SCI: Reeve Foundation's Nurse Linda shares medical insight
With all the information, and misinformation, out there about COVID-19 and its effects on the spinal cord injury population, the Reeve Foundation couldn’t have picked a better time or person than Nurse Linda Schultz, who moderated a webinar last week and provided her expertise about the risk factors facing those with SCI. She shared the details of how those with all levels of SCI are affected by their injury as it relates to COVID-19 as there’s some misconception that lower level injuries are not impacted.
Nurse Linda is a leader, teacher, and provider of rehabilitation nursing for over 30 years and worked closely with Christopher Reeve on his recovery and has been advocating for the Reeve Foundation ever since. She is also the moderator of the Ask a Nurse discussion, focusing on contributing functional advice, providing the "how-to" on integrating various healthcare improvements into daily life, and answering your specific questions.
You can listen to the recorded version of the webinar HERE.
NOTE: United Spinal Association has also developed a nice informative page on disability-specific recommendations for COVID-19 which you can access HERE.