“ADA EVERYDAY”: Despite 30th anniversary milestone, we still need greater access, inclusion

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For three decades now, the ADA has been a major milestone toward increased human and civil rights, equity and social justice.  From employment to transportation to participation in civic, commercial and consumer affairs, the ADA promises that people with disabilities can lead their lives and pursue their dreams without having to endure discrimination and with meaningful access to resources.

The ADA has been transformative.  Those old enough to remember pre-ADA life have witnessed physical environments literally transform to meet the legislation's architectural mandates and we have also witnessed dramatic improvements to programmatic designs and communication platforms, etc.  Our nation is vastly more accessible because of the ADA and this landmark legislation remains something to be excited and proud about now, even after the passage of 30 years. 

While the ADA brought much-needed improvements to many aspects of the lives of persons with disabilities, it also fell short on others. There is still much progress yet to be made toward full access, integration and the inclusion of disability communities, who in many ways remain marginalized in American society.  For instance, lack of accountability and enforcement of organizations failing to meet the requirements of the ADA are still quite rampant. Many special interests and lobbying groups continue to chip away at ADA’s requirements, especially when it comes to coverage of essential medical services and equipment as well as accessible and affordable housing.

Just because it is unlawful to discriminate against job applicants with disabilities does not mean that such discrimination doesn't occur.  Just because a resource should be accessible to a disabled person does not mean it will be.  The ADA is violated daily all across the country and these violations are often systemic.  Legislation is important and essential but fundamental and lasting change occurs when hearts and minds and attitudes, not just codified rules, change. 

Further, disability advocacy groups must fight each year for basic improvements to quality of life for their members, such as accessibility to basic services and equal representation in the workforce. Much like advocates for racial justice are still needing to advocate to vindicate the promises of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, advocates for disability rights must continue to champion the ADA of 1990. 
And that's why it's important to remind ourselves that access and non-discrimination are not just legal obligations or abstract values but they are also ongoing processes, conscious choices and priorities that we must frequently re-affirm through policies and actions.  We never need an anniversary to ask ourselves, our companies, our governments, our clubs, churches, temples, mosques, etc., "What could we be doing to make the world, or our little corner of it, more accessible to more people so as to help ensure that no one is unfairly left out in the cold?"  Asking and trying to answer that question is what the ADA, in spirit, is all about. 

This year, California’s government can better prioritize and support the millions of Californians with disabilities represented by the ADA by addressing gaps that would improve basic rights, accessibility and better promote equality for this important constituency. 

We invite you to view THIS VIDEO capturing the day of the signing into law of the Americans with Disabilities Act of July 26, 1990.

On Tues., July 28th at 11 a.m., Berkeley’s CIL will host “Celebrating 30 years of the ADA” featuring a panel of four participants who will share their unique experiences both pre and post-ADA, how the improvement of disability civil rights play into today's political climate, and more. This is a Zoom video meeting and you can register to attend HERE.


Celebrating and fighting for #ADAeveryday


Clemson Paralympic Soccer seeks veterans for its free virtual adaptive soccer camp Aug. 14-16