“Daily Dose of Stretching” - Range of Motion and Stretching for SCI class coming Aug. 22


You have a spinal cord injury and you know darn well stretching is incredibly important and valuable. But why is it so difficult to develop a routine that works and makes sense for you? On Sat., Aug. 22nd at 11 a.m. PT, during our virtual class, "Daily Dose of Stretching", Rachel and Erin will discuss posture, spasticity, and how to perform a daily stretching routine for all injury levels. The session will cover how to find your proper alignment and positioning for the most optimal stretch. They will also discuss how to best protect your joints when working with spasticity and tone. Rachel will then take you through various stretching positions whether you are able to stretch yourself, or if you have a caretaker to assist you. Some of these stretches will be demonstrated on the floor so if you will be participating, make sure you have enough space to lay down, though they can also be done in a bed or a mat.


This free virtual presentation is part of “NorCal SCI’s Virtual is the New Reality Series” funded through a grant by the Reeve Foundation and you must register in advance to attend by clicking HERE. Once you register, you will immediately receive a confirmation e-mail from us which you should keep for access information to the virtual event.

This class is specifically designed for wheelchair users of all abilities thanks to our class leaders who have incredible depth and experience working with the spinal cord injury population. Rachel is a Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and is currently pursuing her license for massage therapy. Erin has a Doctorate of Physical Therapy and is a Board Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist. She is currently a Physical Therapist at UCSF and a co-founder of No Limits Collaborative and has worked extensively with the SCI population. 


Practical Posture: understanding the shape of your spine for wheelchair users class coming Aug. 20


Archive of recordings of “NorCal SCI Presents: Virtual is the New Reality Series”