OUR 2020 ANNUAL REPORT: In the midst of a devastating pandemic, your inspiring support has kept us going.

Need we say more about this past year? Our hearts go out to those who lost loved ones due to COVID-19 or were impacted in some way. We can only hope that 2021 will be a far better year as more and more people are vaccinated and we mark a return to normal, however that might look like.

For us, 2020 was a year of reinvention. Disconnected from all in-person activities, our nimble structure allowed us to efficiently execute on a plan that continued to offer, dare we say, even more programs and services than pre-COVID times. We were thrilled to reach hundreds of new individuals that connected through many of our virtual programs.

Perhaps the biggest news came on the night of Sat., Oct. 3rd when we hosted INSPIRE, our annual fundraising event that switched to a virtual format and became an incredible success. We announced the launch of our "5/22 Capital Campaign" that aims to raise a minimum of $500,000 by May of 2022 to help launch a program that would offer continuing intensive rehab to those newly injured as well as develop a program for those with longer lengths of injuries in order to maintain their physical health and mental wellbeing. By the end of that evening, we had netted over $116,000 as our donors and supporters rallied around that call to action. And thanks to an anonymous and extremely generous donation of $100,000, we now have allocated $200,000 toward our goal and will be focusing on raising the remaining amount this year.

We are proud to present you with our Annual Report capturing the highlights of this past year and how you had a hand in our success.
To get a quick snapshot summary, CLICK HERE.
To see our full report in a flip-page format, CLICK HERE.

We continue to be humbled by the generosity of our donors. We hope you'll enjoy reading this report and recognize that none of our accomplishments in 2020 would have been possible without your support. The scope of our programs and services are purely limited by the available financial resources. If our work, and this report, inspire you to assist us further, please feel free to contribute to our cause.

Thank you again and we wish you and yours a Healthy New Year and that we can see you in person at the appropriate time.

Nick & Franklin, co-founders


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