Research survey seeks to understand environmental barriers to increased quality of life for those with SCI


The graduate students at the Occupational Therapy Dept. at California State University, Dominguez Hills are seeking to understand Perceived Community Environmental Facilitators or Barriers as Predictors of Quality of Life and Self-Efficacy among individuals with Spinal Cord Injury and they have an online survey that they’re asking the SCI community to complete. Results of this study will enable occupational therapists to focus on the perceived facilitators or barriers which correlate most strongly with increased quality of life.

Participants must be ages 18 and older, diagnosed with any level of spinal cord injury, English speaking, and at least one year post injury from the date of taking the survey. All participants will have the opportunity to enter their email in a raffle for 3 $25 gift cards. Completion of the survey is not required to enter into the raffle. The study does take about 35 minutes and you can get started HERE.


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