Medical transportation survey needs participants with SCI by Sept. 1st


The Medical Transportation Access Coalition (MTAC) educates policymakers and the public on the importance of non-emergency transportation in healthcare and is conducting a first of its kind survey to document the diversity of transportation to non-medical destinations (such as grocery stores or fitness centers). MTAC will use the findings to develop a report highlighting the diverse destinations appropriate for non-emergency transportation and you can participate in this survey HERE. For question #1, please select the response of "Patient Advocacy Organization".

The survey focuses on non-emergency transportation services for people who are enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid. MTAC hopes to identify the wide range of transportation services paid directly by Medicare and Medicaid, or funded through entities that contract with Medicare and Medicaid (such as managed care organizations, transportation brokers, and value-based providers, e.g., Accountable Care Organizations).

Survey respondents will not be spammed with multiple follow ups and your responses can remain completely anonymous if you choose. Survey is open until September 1st.


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