New Year presents opportunities for new beginnings and relationships after an SCI
With a New Year under way, you might be thinking about starting a relationship that marks a new beginning. Many individuals with a spinal cord injury think about sexuality and reproduction as a new beginning. Certainly, having children is a new beginning to a life as well as your life. It can be really intimidating to consider a relationship when your body has changed. Developing comfort in your own being is a challenge for everyone regardless of trauma or disease. Everyone has concerns about how they look, how they present themselves as well as what others think.
Individuals living with ability challenges generally have four overarching concerns. They may have personal and psychological issues related to their self-esteem. Sexual confidence may be low. They may be going through mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, negative body image, and even grieving. Some individuals are already involved in fragile relationships, which any changes can challenge.
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