The Franklin Project - Intensive Post Hospital SCI Rehabilitation Opportunity

NorCal SCI are excited to announce our highest impact program to date, The Franklin Project.

As the NorCal SCI team works to finalize the opening of our own rehabilitation and wellness facility right here in the Bay Area, we recognize that the needs of the SCI/D community (particularly the newly injured) are still largely unmet. That's why we're launching The Franklin Project a unique opportunity to attend Neuroworx in Salt Lake City, Utah for SCI rehabilitation and exercise.

We're looking for Northern California residents who've been injured in the last 2 years and are able to commit to 4-5 weeks of intensive rehab and exercise, consisting of at least 2-3 hours/day for 5 days a week.
Note: There are limited grants for this program.

The program will provide grants to cover some or all of the costs of rehab, travel to/from Utah, and ADA lodging for the recipient and a personal care attendant.

Full details are HERE and interested applicants should apply ASAP, openings are available starting January 2023.


National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) Seeks Study Participants


Fresno Support Group Thanksgiving Pot Luck Nov 16, 6pm to 7:30pm