Accessible bird strolling to take place Feb. 26 in Kenwood

On Sat., Feb. 26th, join Certified California Naturalist, Carolyn Greene, on a one-mile accessible stroll that will focus on bird watching and listening at the Sugarloaf Ridge State Park in Kenwood. There will be multiple stopping points along the way with benches and chairs though you will also stop to watch and listen as opportunity arises. This walk is accessible for persons using wheelchairs or those with limited mobility. You will also learn about other interesting features along the way. The stroll will start at the main parking lot, cross the road into the ADA Creekside Nature Trail.

Tickets are $5, plus parking. Bring binoculars and birding guides, if you have them, and arrive early to give yourself plenty of time to get set up or enjoy a picnic on the picnic area. This stroll runs from 4-5:15 p.m. and you can register for it HERE.


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