The problem of pain after a spinal cord injury

Pain is a serious problem for many people with spinal cord injuries (SCI). Pain after SCI can occur in parts of the body where there is normal sensation (feeling) as well as areas that have little or no feeling. The pain is very real and can have a negative impact on quality of life. A person in severe pain may have difficulty carrying out daily activities or participating in enjoyable pastimes. The majority of people with SCI report that they have chronic pain that does not go away and instead lasts months to years. The cause of the pain may be unknown but is most often related to nerve damage from the SCI or musculoskeletal problems that arise in dealing with an SCI. The pain can come and go. Chronic pain is difficult to completely eliminate but often can be managed or reduced enough so that it doesn't overwhelm your life. You can read more about this topic HERE.


On March 30, learn about the movement to maximize rehabilitation outcomes for people with SCI


Slow Birding: On March 26, reimagine our connection with birds