Fitness for All: BORP rolls out new outdoor workout class for wheelchair users

Berkeley-based Bay Area Outreach & Recreation Program (BORP) is now hosting a new weekly outdoor inclusive workout class led by Paraplegic and fitness enthusiast, Jorge Macias, that will be held outdoors on Thursdays from 4:30-5:30 p.m. in the courtyard of the BORP Cycling Center located at 80 Boliver Drive, Berkeley. The classes will feature the use of innovative adaptive equipment designed to work for you and are a great way to stay active and socialize outside while maintaining social distancing. All fitness levels are welcomed and you can register for any of the classes HERE.

Jorge is an all around fitness enthusiast. He first became interested in fitness when he was 16 and developed a deeper connection with sports and fitness after sustaining a T7 level spinal cord injury when he was 17. Since his injury, Jorge has participated in a number of sports such as cycling, wheelchair basketball and competitive rock climbing. Jorge brings a passion to fitness and adapting workouts to help improve specific skills, health and well being.


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