Mice with SCI have been cured. What about humans and when?

Dr Samuel Stupp

It was just a few months ago that the spinal cord injury community was buzzing with the “dancing molecules” news involving the work of Dr. Samuel Stupp, the Northwestern University scientist whose study of a nanotech polymer involving the injection of a seeded, liquid plastic scaffold restored function in newly-paralyzed mice after just four weeks. Sam Maddox, Scientific Advisory Board Director at Unite 2 Fight Paralysis (U2FP) blogged about this which also featured a podcast interview with Dr. Stupp conducted by Matthew Rodreick and Jason Stoffer of U2FP. Enjoy reading Sam’s blog and listening to the podcast HERE.


Queens of Spinal Cord Injury Women’s Group to host first meeting on March 10


Spasticity, spinal cord injury and potential solutions