Defying Boundaries: Surfing with Freedom at Pismo Beach

Rhonda Williams had a day to remember at Pismo beach with Amp Surf.

She was 16 when she suffered a C6 Complete SCI in a car accident in 1989 and in the many years of being confined to a wheelchair there have been countless ebbs and flows. 

The following is an article from Rhonda about her surfing experience. All the information on how to participate in the Amp Surf Program is at the end of this article:

For the past few years now, it seemed as if my life had become like stagnant water and the prospect of riding the waves on a surfboard not only seemed like a distant dream but a cruel joke.

That is until I discovered an organization that has been turning dreams into reality for the past two decades. It was a very easy and exciting decision that I made to embark on this extraordinary journey that challenged my physical limitations and set my spirit soaring.

That Saturday morning started early as I began my journey sleepy-eyed and a little cautious from Fresno, California to Pismo Beach.  With each passing moment of the 2 ½ hour ride my anticipation grew as I admired the changing landscapes and bopped to the forever changing tunes on the radio.

AmpSurf the Organization that made this adventure possible, was founded by a courageous veteran who, after becoming an amputee during his military service returned with a newfound purpose of sharing his joy of surfing with others facing physical challenges. He had carved out on this pristine slice of heaven, a place where all were welcomed, from veterans and first responders to quadriplegics like me and all those in between.

As I finally arrived, Pismo beach, with its golden sands and melodious symphony of waves crashing against the shore welcomed me with open arms.

The volunteers, a dedicated group of individuals with hearts as vast as the ocean, were just as welcoming, making sure my experience was not just remarkable but safe as well.  After quickly sizing me up they gently helped me into my wetsuit. Perfect fit.

They provided me with a specialized rolling beach chair that facilitated the short move from the pier to the sands of the beach offering me an up-close view of the breathtaking surroundings. The rolling chair glided smoothly over the sand, and I couldn’t help but admire the subtle gradations in the colors of the beach, ranging from the palest peach to the warmest golden hues.

A light breeze carried the unmistakable scent of salt and seaweed, refreshing my senses as I approached the shoreline. The laughter of everyone around and the occasional bark of dogs, who also were having a wonderful time, added to the joyous atmosphere. Pismo Beach was a sanctuary of happiness that day where everyone was welcome both humans and their furry companions.

Dana, the original founder gave a quick 5-minute instructional run through of the dos and don’ts of surfing and even a helpful breathing technique in case one found themselves grasped by fear. Then we were ready….  The sea appeared to stretch to infinity, its surface adorned with gentle ripples inviting me to embrace the allure of the ocean. The anticipation of surfing was palpable and the warm encouragement from my fellow adventurers, volunteers and those who just decided to watch ignited a sense of camaraderie. It wasn't just me surfing that day it was all of us.

AmpSurf had taken great care to ensure that everyone had the opportunity to experience the thrill of riding the waves, regardless of their physical limitations. It was a testament to the power of human compassion and the boundless possibilities that unfold when people come together with a common purpose.

Finally, the moment arrived. The surf volunteers, well-versed in their craft, guided me into the water, securing me to the surfboard with expert precision in the prone position. The gentle waves, reminiscent of a lullaby, cradled me. Volunteers on all sides. As we ventured deeper into the ocean, but not too deep, the rhythmic rise and fall of the water mirrored the heartbeat of nature itself. I even found myself involuntarily humming to some internal melody at one point. And although there were many volunteers around me to keep me safe there were moments where I felt it was just the ocean and I and no one else around.

The feeling of liberation was indescribable as I floated atop the waves, the Pacific Ocean serving as my canvas and the surfboard as my brush. My newfound freedom felt like an artist stroke across an endless sky and for a moment I forgot about the confines of my physical limitations. That is until I flipped over off the surfboard splashing into the water.  And before any fear could take hold the volunteers were there to instantly grab me and bring me back up. They quickly switched out the boards realizing I might need a bigger board and we continued the adventure. Once back on the board I waited for the next wave. The saltwater breeze kissed my cheeks and the taste of salt lingered on my lips having just experienced the ultimate communion with the ocean.

Throughout this adventure, the volunteers hovered nearby, ready to lend a helping hand should it be needed. AmpSurf had left no detail overlooked, even providing snacks that I enjoyed in between rides, a thoughtful gesture that highlighted their dedication to ensuring a memorable experience. Pismo beach, with its perfect blend of welcoming shops and the ocean's gentle embrace, had offered me an opportunity to transcend boundaries and redefine the limits of possibility.

As the main event ended and we all said our heartfelt goodbyes I took the opportunity to look around having never been to Pismo Beach before. The shops along the beachfront were a kaleidoscope of colors, casting a warm and inviting glow as the aroma of seafood wafted through the air.  It was a feast for the senses, not only for the body but also for the spirit. Sitting in the passenger seat ready to go home, the conversation between my companions and I gradually faded into the background. I found it hard to tear my gaze away from the side mirror as the beach with all its beauty and vibrancy grew smaller and smaller. In that moment, I whispered to the vanishing coastline, “thank you. I'll be back.”

And indeed, I will return to Pismo Beach, where I left behind more than just wheel tracks on the sand. I left behind any doubts, fears and limitations that had crept back into my life these past few years allowing the sea to wash them away with each wave. The AmpSurf organization gave me a revitalized excitement about life that had surely dulled.

For anyone who is interested in this type of adventure do not let any fears hold you back. I can promise that it is an experience you will not regret and more importantly will never forget. Below is the contact information for this fantastic organization.  Here you can find their surf clinic schedule as well as the small application you must fill out so that they can ensure all your physical needs are met. They provide wetsuits and beach wheelchairs to take you from the pier to the water if needed. All they ask is that you provide your own sunscreen and bathing suit. And best of all, it is completely free. Enjoy!

Amp Surf’s stated mission is to promote, inspire, educate and rehabilitate all people with disabilities through adaptive surf therapy and other outdoor activities. Their hope is that all people with disabilities will experience the freedom of adaptive sports without limitations.

They have chapters in California, New England, New York, and the Pacific Northwest.

Their main office is located at: 1251 Shell Beach Road, Pismo Beach, California 93449

National Headquarters: 805-295-5000


Email Address:


The surf clinic is held the first and third Saturday of each month. Any veteran, first responder or anyone living with a disability is welcome to join. They provide coffee and snacks on the beach and all that you need to bring is a bathing suit, sunscreen and a towel. And if you forget your towel, no worries, they've got you covered because I definitely left mine in the car. To register just go on the website:

NorCal SCI would like to thank Rhonda for sharing her experience and producing such a well written and compelling article.


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