Another great Meet Up at Lake Vasona

Taking advantage of the accessible dock and the beautiful surroundings at Lake Vasona, NorCal SCI hosted our end of summer meet up. It is always great to get the SCI community together and the event last Sunday was no exception. Over 30 SCI survivors (veterans & the newly injured) and family members connected over food and refreshments, shared experiences and a few jokes.

All our accessible kayaking slots were fully booked up and everyone who took part (some for the first time) enjoyed being out on the water.

This is the first complete season that LGS Recreation has offered accessible Kayaking and with the exception of Day on The Lake and The NorCal SCI Meet Up, the use of the dock has been low. NorCal SCI will be raising awareness across the disability community of this great facility next season so more individuals can take advantage of this inclusive opportunity to get out on the water.


NorCal SCI & Youth Alive Partner to Help Victims of SCI resulting from Gun Violence


Challenged Athletes Foundation NorCal Adaptive Sailing Clinics in Sacramento