Spinal Cord Injury Peer Support Program
Peer Support provides an opportunity to engage with individuals and family members who have experienced a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). For many, this provides a valuable resource network to learn how others have successfully navigated the life changes after a disability.
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center has partnered with NorCal SCI, a non-profit organization supporting individuals (and family members) who experienced an SCI to provide this important service through a generous grant from the Craig Neilsen Foundation.
Your recovery journey will continue after you are discharged from inpatient rehabilitation and we recommend that you stay connected with NorCal SCI who will reach out to you at 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months after discharge. If you are willing to participate in this Craig-Neilsen grant-funded program, complete the form below to stay in touch and benefit from this valuable resource.
Weekly Inpatient Peer Support Group
Every Monday at 4pm in 3ARU The Dining Room
1:1 Visits with a trained SCI Mentor who has a similar injury
Available on request
Monthly Virtual Meet Ups on Zoom with Peer Mentor Coordinator
All former patients and family members invited to attend
6pm to 7pm 1st Tuesday of every month
SCI Connections Community Outreach Events
Held Quarterly at SCVMC Specialty Center
Email: scvmcpeer@norcalsci.org