Smart Home Independence Package

The Smart Home Independence Package (SHIP) is designed to give the user an enhanced level of security and independence. January of 2021 marked the start of this initiative where NorCal SCI coordinated installing a SHIP, a customized range of Google Nest products, in a limited number of qualifying applicants’ homes free of charge.

In this video, NorCal SCI co-founder Nick Struthers describes the program and introduces Michael Chavez who was the first recipient of the Smart Home Independence Package.

NorCal SCI has used the services of OnTech for this program. Their experienced staff and technicians have been essential not just for the installation but, just as importantly, for their technical support and expertise. It would not have been possible without them.

In this video, NorCal SCI partnered with OnTech and installed 10 SHIPs to deserving individuals residing in Northern California in 2021.

Partnering with OnTech, NorCal SCI will complete a minimum of 20 SHIP installations in 2023.

Your residence must already be equipped with wifi and you, or someone living with you, will need to have a Google account (i.e. gmail) or be prepared to sign up.
Though all Spinal Cord Injury levels will be considered, priority will be given to those who would benefit the most from the package and have limited financial means to fund the equipment themselves. You must be a resident in Northern California to qualify.

To apply to be considered for SHIP, complete the online application below and NorCal SCI will then reach out to you to discuss your suitability and the feasibility of setting up the package in your residence.