Sample Architectural Barriers Compliance Letter
(provided by HolLynn D’Lil)
(Your address)
(Date - very important to include)
(Address of business)
Dear (manager, owner. Provide name if available.)
On (date) I encountered architectural barriers in your establishment. I have a disability (or, I am wheelchair user, have a visual or hearing disability, use a walker, etc.) and was not able to use your (restroom, counter, tables, parking, etc.). These barriers may be in violation of state and Federal laws that require your business to be accessible to everyone.
Information on how to comply with state laws and regulations for accessibility is available at the web site of the California State Architect: Information on how to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act is available at: .
An ADA barrier removal tax credit is available to businesses that have total revenues of $1,000,000 or less in the previous tax year or 30 or fewer full-time employees. This credit can cover 50% of the eligible access expenditures in a year up to $10,250 (maximum credit of $5000). The tax credit can be used to offset the cost of undertaking barrier removal and alterations to improve accessibility; providing accessible formats such as Braille, large print and audio tape; making available a sign language interpreter or a reader for customers or employees, and for purchasing certain adaptive equipment. If you need assistance in finding out about these tax incentives, you may visit the U.S. Access Board’s web site: .
You can request IRS Publications 535 and 334 (for small businesses) for further information on tax incentives, or Form 8826 to claim your tax credit.
In addition, the California CAP/Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Financing Program will assist businesses with 15 or fewer full-time equivalent employees to finance physical alterations or retrofits to their small business facilities of less than 10,000 square feet for compliance with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. For additional information, please visit the CalCAP/ADA Financing Program website at or contact Bianca Smith, the Program Manager, at .
I highly recommend that you hire someone who is knowledgeable in access requirements. You may find a list of Certified Access Specialists on the Division of the State Architect website. .
Please respond within three weeks of the date of this letter to inform me as to the steps taken to remove your access barriers. If you have acquired the services of a Certified Access Specialist, please send me a copy of the report as soon as it is available. Thank you for your time and consideration.
(Your signature)
(Your name)