Using Facebook to get a viewpoint from other SCI groups

There are many spinal cord injury support groups, local or national, on Facebook that can be used to get tips or suggestions on just about anything a person with SCI is in need of.  Some have very few members which makes getting any level of engagement difficult.

A high traffic site, Spinal Cord Peer Support USA, has over 5,000 members and you will invariably get many responses. As always, be aware that the responses represent the viewpoint of individuals, many of whom will not have any medical training or experience.  It is a closed group but it's easy to join.

NorCal SCI Co-Founder, Nick Struthers, has access to two Facebook groups, one from the renowned Shepherd Center in Atlanta and the other from the Reeve Foundation. These groups have restricted access but if you email your question to, he will post your question and personally update you on any responses. Both these groups have a high number of participants who themselves have experienced SCI and many are trained as SCI Peer Mentors.

Good Luck and please be respectful and considerate when using Social Media.

And if you haven't already, please visit NorCalSCI Facebook page and like us.


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#javiSTRONG54 Foundation already helping make a difference