Open Forum on Public Transportation: SVILC to host Assistant U.S. Attorney General on Aug. 16
The Silicon Valley Independent Living Center (SVILC) will host a public meeting featuring the Assistant U.S. Attorney General for San Francisco on Wednesday, Aug. 16th from 1-2 p.m. to hear feedback from the users of the Bay Area's public transportation systems and agencies.
This is an opportunity to voice your concerns and complaints directly to the governmental agency tasked with enforcement of laws protecting the disabled community. So, whether you got stuck in an elevator at a BART station (assuming one works), lifts are not functioning on buses or trains, or have had delays in getting picked up by the various paratransit services, this is an opportunity to personally share your feedback.
SVILC is located at 25 N. 14th St., Ste. 1000 (10th floor), San Jose (X street Santa Clara Street). For more information, please call (408) 894-9041.