Using small claims courts to force businesses comply with disability rights

The Sept. 14th meeting of the Berkeley Spinal Network will feature Tara Ayres who will share a guide she has developed on how to legally force businesses to comply with applicable disability rights laws using small claims courts.  

Tara Ayres

Tara Ayres

Ayres will go through the steps of filing these types of suits and share what a successful case can cost and generate.

The meeting is held from 6-8:30 p.m. at the Ed Roberts Campus located at 3075 Adeline, Berkeley.  As always, free food and refreshments will be served.  Additionally, if you're unable to attend in person, a live webinar/phone conference line will also be open for anyone to call in and join the conversation or ask questions. The line will open at 7 p.m. and you may call (415) 655-0381 use access code: 649-375-826, press#. To view the event in real-time, you may do so at For more information, contact Walter Delson at (510) 693-2689 or


SCI-FIT celebrates 10th anniversary with party on Sept. 9


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