Navigating the complex selection of a new wheelchair
Picking out a new wheelchair can be an experience likened to buying a house. It’s an exciting opportunity, yet can become frustrating and confusing. If the recent Abilities Expo was any evidence, the wide selection of wheelchairs certainly doesn’t make the experience any less painful. An important lesson to learn of is the critical role an assistive technology specialist, occupational therapist or a seating specialist can play in identifying the right wheelchair for your needs. As much as you may think you know it all, avoid the trap of selecting the wheelchair by yourself. Remember, for the most part, once you buy it, you own it and would be difficult to return it.
Steven Sanchez in his Phoenix standing power wheelchair
At the Expo, manufacturers such as Permobil, Quantum, Pride Mobility, Ki Mobility, Motion Composites, Wheelchair88, and others selling accessories were all there. Look, it’s a nice problem to have lots of competition trying to earn your business.
Giving up an old, yet comfortable wheelchair you’ve grown accustomed to can be hard. Chances are, the manufacturer doesn’t make the same chair any more, they’ve added new features or changed specifications, and so, for better or worse, you have to take the plunge into navigating the unpredictable journey of what insurance would cover and which options can you live without.
In comes United Spinal Association with a timely section dedicated to this topic. The wheelchairs shown on this page are not meant to be an exhaustive list of every wheelchair made. They are merely examples of specific types of wheelchairs. The major challenge you will run into is that there are very few wheelchair retail sellers out there and those that are tend to have very small inventory of sample wheelchairs. That’s why shows like the Abilities Expo are the perfect place to go and see a much wider selection of wheelchairs up close and in person. Now, the next Expo doesn’t come around to Northern California until October 2019. However, it might be worth your time to drive down to the Los Angeles show Feb. 22-24, 2019 as it’s one of the largest shows and will sure have a lot of inventory of wheelchairs for you to check out.