Aftermath of passage of HR 620: what happened and what's next
The U.S. House of Representatives voted 225-192 last Thursday to approve H.R 620, otherwise grossly known as the ADA Education and Reform Act of 2017, that sets up a significant gutting of the ADA laws. A troubling outcome involved the number of Democratic members who ended up supporting this bill, including six from California.
Here are the six members of the California delegation who voted to support HR 620 which you can remember in November of this year when they seek re-elections:
Pete Aguilar, San Bernardino County
Phone: (909) 890-4445
Ami Bera, Sacramento County
Phone: (916) 635-0505
Lou Correa, Santa Ana
Phone: (714) 559-6190
Scott Peters, San Diego
Phone: 858-455-5550
Jackie Speier, San Mateo
Phone: (650) 342-0300
Norma Torres, Ontario
Phone: (909) 481-6474
Of course, as expected, all 14 Republican members voted to support the legislation, too.
OK, so we lost this battle but the war is not over and the final battle looms in the U.S. Senate which will be yet another major challenge, given the Republicans hold the majority 51-49, unless a couple of them flip over while Democrats vote together. So, assume nothing and contact your Senators:
Diane Feinstein
Kamala Harris