Meal planning/cooking design study seeks volunteers with SCI
A design project study at the California College of the Arts is conducting research on how people with spinal cord injuries navigate meal planning and cooking at home and they are in need of volunteers with SCI in order to learn about their needs, challenges, and solutions around cooking.
The project team's objective is to create a product or service that makes cooking at home more accessible and enjoyable for people with physical disabilities. The initial study involves a 30-minute phone call to learn how you go about planning, buying, cooking, eating, and cleaning to learn where in that process the biggest pain points lie, what solutions or workarounds people already use, and thus where there might be opportunities for a new product or service that could support them.
The project is in a research mode now and once it's concluded, the goal is to create some initial concepts followed by testing of prototypes by the end of March. To participate in this study, please contact Dane Wetschler at