A Care Package for every newly-injured person in Northern California

"It's like getting run over by a loaded freight train.  We are so overwhelmed."
-- Parents of a teenager with a recent spinal cord injury

There are over 600 new cases of spinal cord injury in Northern California every year. The average stay in a regional acute care rehabilitation facility is 25 days (and declining) compared to 70 days just a decade ago. That means virtually all of those people are discharged to home or another level of care in a relatively short time.  Most of them will make that return in an overwhelmed, confused and frightened state with minimal information about the resources and support that can help them thrive.

Currently, there are no existing programs in Northern California designed to meet this critical need.  And that situation is exactly what we hope to change.  NorCal SCI has set out a very ambitious goal (as part of our 2018 Goals & Objectives) of ensuring every person with a new case of spinal cord injury/disorder admitted at a medical facility or rehab center in Northern California receives a Care Package customized as much as possible based on the needs and level of injury of the individual.  You can see for yourself what the current version of our Care Package includes.  

Content of the current version of NorCal SCI's Care Package

Content of the current version of NorCal SCI's Care Package

But we're not stopping there.  With the support of interested individuals and organizations, if we meet our fundraising goals, we plan on expanding the items in the Care Package to include devices such as Google Home Mini, specialized drinking cups for those with dexterity challenges, and more goodies.

If the rehab facility does not provide a Care Package, contact NorCal SCI and we'll find a way to get a Care Package to you or your loved one. 


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