Collaboration with United Spinal brings SCI Peer Mentoring training program to San Jose on July 21
As the Silicon Valley Chapter of United Spinal Association (USA), NorCal SCI has been collaborating with USA to organize a spinal cord injury Peer Mentoring training program featuring Jane Wierbicky, Nurse Information Specialist at USA, who will lead this all day program on Sat., July 21st.
Jane Wierbicky
Thus far, we have over 20 people (and growing) who have confirmed their attendance. They are all from Northern California and include individuals with SCI, including some with their parents, as well as coordinators of peer support programs at several hospitals and rehab centers.
Why is this an important program? Providing support on a peer-to-peer basis is a significant part of a newly-injured person's recovery process that could extend well beyond their hospital or rehab stay. A well-trained peer mentor can not only significantly help such persons make a more successful transition back to their home community but also be an ongoing source of critical information resource and support on a long-term basis. We're also thrilled that several hospitals are participating in this program to further improve their understanding and experience in their existing in-patient peer support programs or developing new ones.
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center has made its facilities available for this program.