May 13-16 Rock & Roll Yosemite Camp 2019 registration is now open

The City of Sacramento Youth, Parks and Community Enrichment, through the Paralympic Sport Sacramento Club, is once again offering this cycling and climbing park experience specifically designed for riders with physical disabilities. Camp will be held Mon., May 13th through Thurs., May 16th where you will experience the sights, sounds and natural wonders of Yosemite National Park.


This four day, three nights tour will utilize hand cycles to tour the valley floor as well as including educational programs. Adaptive rock climbing will be hosted by Mark Wellman of "No Limits". Participants should be in good physical condition and able to cycle up to 15 miles at a leisure pace to be able to enjoy this activity. The cost for this event is $450 and includes housing, meals and all program activities. Participants must be 21 years of age. Space is limited to 15 cyclists.

For further information, contact Jenny Yarrow, or at (916) 808-6017.


Elephant Seal Excursion at Año Nuevo State Park Feb. 3


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