Turkey Trot: Thanksgiving Day "5k Wheel & Walk" taking place in Walnut Creek
The 27th Annual Turkey Trot will be taking place on Thurs., Nov. 28th (yes, Thanksgiving Day) at the Civic Park in Downtown Walnut Creek, bringing together walkers and wheelchair users to take part in a great event benefiting four area non-profit organizations. The event features not only a 5k Walk and Roll but also a 10k and kids’ fun runs of shorter distances, so bring out the whole family.
For wheelchair users, anything goes from manual, power or handcycles. Our friends at Forma Gym/RISE Paralysis Recovery Center in Walnut Creek will be sponsoring the registration fees of individuals with physical impairment. To be eligible, you must register by 7 p.m. on Wed., Nov. 27th. You would need to send an e-mail to rise@formagym.com to request a promo code that would allow the waiver of the registration fees.
To learn more about the Forma Gym Turkey Trot, here’s their web site.