NO SURPRISE: "Any One of Us" documentary has its share of fans and critics


Since it made its debut on Oct. 29th, the HBO documentary, Any One of Us, has stirred the usual dose of controversy inside and outside of the SCI community. It is the story of Paul Basagoitia, a professional mountain biker who suffered a traumatic spinal cord injury that left him paralyzed back in 2015 and it unfolds in real-time through raw, intimate footage — much filmed by Paul himself — of the agonies of an unpredictable journey and uncertain future.

The film features a chorus of spinal cord injuries (SCI) survivors, shining a light on the struggles that Paul and all SCI patients confront every day, and the hope that drives them. But whether it’s on Twitter or Facebook, the SCI community is full of compliments as well as a healthy dose of disappointment over the message that the general public is getting about SCI.

For the purposes of this article, on one side, we have New Mobility magazine editor, Ian Ruder, who just published a column sharing his disappointment over the messaging the film failed to deliver which you can read HERE. On the other side, we thought it would be good for you to learn, unfiltered, how Paul felt about the message of this film in this Q&A article HERE.

The documentary is shown through HBO for now but it would soon become available through various PPV outlets.


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