Overcoming employment barriers after SCI


Finding the right job is a challenge for most people and when you’re living with a spinal cord injury, it can be ten times more difficult. There are many additional obstacles wheelchair users encounter in their pursuit of employment or returning to work after SCI. But if you speak with anyone who has faced those challenges, they’ll tell you it is worth it. United Spinal Association has developed a list of some of the common barriers to employment for people with disabilities, along with solutions that can help remove them.

Overcoming the Barriers to Employment
There are many obstacles wheelchair users encounter in their pursuit of employment or returning to work after spinal cord injury (SCI). Here are a few common barriers to employment and solutions that can help remove them.

Conquering the Job Interview
What if the job interviewer asks you disability-related questions they wouldn’t ask anyone else? These tips from their Pathways to Employment program will help you prepare for the good, bad, and awkward questions at your next job interview.

Dispelling the Myths of Returning to Work after SCI
Discover your pathway to employment and help dispel the myths about returning to work after SCI/D. Watch the video.

Request Assistance Going Back to Work
United Spinal’s Pathways to Employment program is a great starting point, providing access to valuable resources and useful tips and information to begin your journey. Request employment assistance.


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