Mediterranean vs. Nordic: plant-based diets offer healthy nutrition for everyone


Call us biased but we follow our favorite clinical dietitian, Shelley Wood of Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, everywhere we get a chance and so, our timing was great as she was quoted extensively in a recent article comparing the benefits of Mediterranean diet vs. Nordic diet. Shelley works extensively with individuals with a spinal cord injury and so, she has a unique understanding of this population’s needs and challenges.

The standard American diet is typically heavy in salt and processed foods. A plant-based approach can eliminate some of those issues, says Shelley. “Americans often eat diets high in saturated fat, sugar and sodium (salt) because of their high intake of processed and fast foods. By eliminating such foods and increasing plant-based foods, nutrient intake is increased substantially, which positively impacts short-term and long-term health.” If that sentence got you all excited about the possibilities that a plant-based diet offers, read the rest of this compelling article HERE.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Shelley is a member of NorCal SCI’s Advisory Board.


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