Creative Sex for Every Body workshop comes to SF on Nov. 22


When living with a disability or chronic illness, or after a recently acquired injury or onset of a health condition, we often have to expand our definition of sex and get creative--and communicating with our partner/s becomes even more essential. Thus, it’s timely that the Bay Area Sexuality and Disability Network will be hosting a workshop on Fri., Nov. 22nd in San Francisco and whether you’re newly dealing with a change to your body, have on-going symptoms, or are looking to reclaim your sex life after cancer, this workshop is perfect for you and for everyone looking for user-friendly keys to unlock super hot sex.

Led by Shauna Farabaugh, Somatic Sex Educator, and Ligia Andrade Zuniga M.A., you'll leave this 90-minute workshop with erotic ideas you've never had before, new tools to amplify pleasure, and solid strategies for communicating with your partner and your caregivers. It will be held from 7-8:30 p.m at Good Vibrations, 1620 Polk St., San Francisco. Tickets are $10-$20 and you may buy them HERE. You can learn more about Shauna at


Research study on impact of ending relationships following SCI seeks male volunteers


BORP to hold indoor handcycle spin classes in November