Our $2,000 Road To Recovery grants have helped many. Can they help you?

In the 12 months since we launched our Road To Recovery program, we have funded 20 individuals for a total of $40,000 in grants they were able to use for therapeutic purposes, acquiring medical equipment their insurance wouldn’t pay for or make minor home modifications to make their living area more accessible. All 20 of these individuals didn’t have the financial means or insurance coverage to tap into and even though our grants are limited in their amount, it nevertheless provided an opportunity to meet certain goals of theirs.

Thanks to the incredible generosity of our donors, we have committed at least $60,000 in 2019 toward this program. If you or someone you know with a spinal cord injury or disorder could qualify or benefit from this program, please apply today. If you’re a medical professional or an advocacy organization and know someone who could benefit from this program, please let them know about it.

This program can help make a small difference in the lives of those receiving a grant and whatever we can do toward accomplishing that, it allows us meet our mission statement.

To get started, GO HERE.


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