RETURN TO SAN LUIS OBISPO: NorCal SCI's Mobile Clinic conducts successful visit
From left to right: Carl McGrew, Kyle Smith, Carole Adler Hughes, Michael Ward, Rebecca Hummel-Moore, Mae MacDonald and Nick Struthers.
Our Mobile Clinics are arguably one of the most rewarding part of our work at NorCal SCI, not only because it’s amazing to provide each individual with some incredibly experienced clinical professionals in the field of spinal cord injury but it’s also an intimate setting whereby each individual being seen benefits from the free consultation that covers a lot of common medical challenges someone with SCI is always battling. And so, we made our return visit to San Luis Obispo this past Saturday to offer the benefit of our Mobile Clinic to eight individuals with spinal cord injuries or disorders with a myriad of medical challenges and conditions.
Michael Ward and Dill, the Canine Companion
We have many people to thank starting, in no particular order, our team of SCI experts Rebecca Hummel-Moore, nurse practitioner, Carole Adler Hughes, OT, Kyle Smith, PT, and our very popular Canine Companion, Dill (courtesy of Carole), who managed to spread some dog love to every visitor . We’re grateful to our hosts, The Noor Foundation and Jim Eaton for making the clinic available for us to use and Wallace Home Medical for assigning Isaac, a wheelchair repair technician who provided quick fixes when required to the participants wheelchairs and equipment.
And so, this trip concluded this year’s schedule of Mobile Clinics. We’ll be making return visits to San Luis Obispo and Modesto in 2020 and are scouting a location in the Redding/Chico area as well.