MIT, UC Berkeley research engineers seek individuals with hand impairment for feedback on assistive device study
A team of MIT and UC Berkeley scientists/research engineers are looking for volunteers to take part in a study evaluating the current state of hands-free assistive tech input devices. Specifically, volunteers living with a physical disability that necessitates using a hands-free input device are welcomed. Their goal is to make a more accurate and unobtrusive way for people living with severe motor impairment to control computers, wheelchairs & other electronic devices.
They are specifically looking for individuals:
Living with any condition that inhibits motor control of the hands (preferred, but not required)
Who do not have experience using such a device, but have considered using one or may need one in the future
Who have experience working as caretakers for people living with severe motor impairment.
Your participation would involve one interview lasting approximately 20 minutes. The interview will be conducted at a local place of your choosing, or via video chat. For more information about this work, or to volunteer for as an interviewee, contact: Tomás Vega at This work is in collaboration with the MIT I-Corps Program and the National Science Foundation (NSF).